In the two-page printed version, SZTAKI researcher and infrastructure network coordinator János Nacsa was interviewed.
"SZTAKI worked closely with BME and we had students coming to us regularly. It quickly became apparent that the students are very creative, so the SmartFactory, under the guidance of our researchers, was expanded with unique solutions. So we broke away from the Didactic system and expanded and modified it. That's how we created the complex mini SmartFactory, where you can perform different tasks," said János Nacsa.
"We have various plans to expand the infrastructure, and two specific systems are already being developed within SZTAKI. One of these is a large sample system in Budapest, similar to the one in Győr, which will be a showroom for two national labs, the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory and the Autonomous Systems National Laboratory," he added.
Read the full, Hungarian article in the 9 February 2022 issue of Computerworld. The magazine is also available online by clicking on this link.